General Staal (Christopher Ryan) was last seen leading an invasion on Earth in Series 4 which aired in 2008. He appeared in episode 4 and 5. The Episodes were called "The Sontaran Stratagem" and "The Posion Sky" and battled against The 10th Doctor, Donna Noble, Martha Jones and UNIT.
Davros (Julian Bleach) was last seen creating a reality bomb to destroy the rest of the universe but was foiled in his plot as The 10th Doctor and all of his compaions joined together to stop the evil mastermind. Davros appeared in Series 4 which aired in 2008. He was appeared in Episodes 12 and 13 and they were called "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End".
Christpher Ryan is also set to appear in Steven Moffat's 2010 Series of Doctor Who but it is unclear weather he will be reprising the role of General Staal or be playing another charcter but Callum has confirmed he will be playing General Staal in World's End.
World's End is now shaping up to be a massive story line. The Cast currently conists of........
Matt Smith as The Doctor
Karen Gillian as Amy Pond
Cheryl Cole as Ashley
Julian Bleach as Davros
Christopher Ryan as General Staal
With Davros appearing in World's End it is predicted that the Daleks will also be returning and early rumors are suggesting that the Sontarans and the Daleks could invade Earth and end up fighting each other but that is yet to be confirmed. Big name stars are also set to be named soon with Filming starting in mid July.
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