The Doctor and Martha, after leaving New New York, visit New York City in November 1930 (materialising the TARDIS at the base of the Statue of Liberty), before he returns Martha to her present. Stumbling across the mystery of people disappearing, they travel to the Hooverville community in Central Park and meet Solomon, the leader of the downtrodden residents, who explains more about the disappearances. When a wealthy businessman Mr Diagoras appears in Hooverville recruiting workers for sewer construction, the Doctor, Martha, Solomon, and a young man from Tennessee named Frank join up. As they explore the tunnels, the Doctor finds a mass of alien organic matter which he holds to analyse later. The group soon runs into a number of Pig Slaves and are forced to flee, though Frank is captured by the creatures.
The Doctor, Martha, and Solomon use a nearby ladder to escape and find themselves in a theater, being held at gunpoint by Tallulah, a showgirl demanding to know what happened to Laszlo, a stagehand she was dating. After the three explain their presence, the Doctor uses equipment in the theatre to create a matter analyser, while Martha helps to console Tallulah, learning that Laszlo disappeared similarly to the others a few weeks earlier. Tallulah goes on stage for her show, with Martha watching from the wings, when she spots a Pig Slave across the stage. Martha gives chase into the sewers, where she is captured by more Pig Slaves. The Doctor and Tallulah follow, but only find the sole Pig Slave Martha was chasing. Tallulah recognises him as her Laszlo, who has been incompletely transformed. They also encounter a Dalek, confirming the Doctor's analysis that shows the organic matter being from the planet Skaro. As the three follow the Dalek, they learn from Laszlo that the Daleks either transform those humans with low intelligence into the Pig Slaves, or take those of high intelligence aside for a "final experiment".
They find themselves under the incomplete Empire State Building, and the Doctor and Laszlo sneak inside to locate Martha. When the Doctor and Laszlo join both Martha and Frank with the rest of the high intelligence captives, they find that the Cult of Skaro are working on experiments to merge the Dalek and Human races so that the Dalek race can continue, assisted by Mr Diagoras during the construction of the Empire State Building. Dalek Sec plans to sacrifice himself to prove to the others that their evolution is possible. Dalek Sec, using energy collected by panels of "Dalekanium" attached to the mast of the Empire State Building, fuses himself to the body of Mr Diagoras, becoming a hybrid creature, and proclaiming himself as a "Human Dalek" and the future of the Dalek race.
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