While discussing humanity with the Doctor, the Cyber Leader is destroyed by a strike team led by Jake Simmonds, from the same universe as the Cybermen. Jake takes the Doctor to his universe and a parallel Torchwood. Pete Tyler tells him that the Cybermen vanished and they have followed them. But the breach is causing the parallel Earth to boil and must be closed, before the damage destroys both worlds. They return to Earth and approach the Cybermen with a truce against the Daleks.
Meanwhile, Rose tells Mickey they were kept alive because, as time travellers, their touch would activate the Ark. Sec explains that the Cult cannot open the Ark because it is stolen Time Lord technology. He demands that Rose open it, but she refuses, and goads the Daleks with her knowledge of the Time War's conclusion and the fact she annihilated their Emperor until the Doctor appears. Upon realising that the Daleks are the Cult of Skaro, he uses his sonic screwdriver to allow the Cybermen to attack the Daleks, letting the humans escape. Mickey accidentally activates the Ark when escaping, and the Daleks, after fighting off the Cybermen, travel to the exterior of Canary Wharf to release the Ark's contents: millions of Daleks who were imprisoned during the Time War. The Daleks descend on London, killing all in their path.
The Doctor and his companions flee into the tower. En route, Pete rescues Jackie from upgrading and the couple are reunited. As the Dalek-Cyberman war rages outside with humans getting massacred in the crossfire, the Doctor brings everyone to the breach room. He explains that crossing the Void causes a traveller to become saturated in Void material. If he opens the breach to the void, any being saturated will be pulled in. He will then close the breach forever. However, Rose and Mickey have crossed the Void and are contaminated and vulnerable.
The Tylers and Mickey cross into the parallel universe, but Rose decides she would rather be with the Doctor than her family and jumps back to help him. They open the breach and hold onto a pair of magnetic clamps as the Cybermen and Daleks are pulled in, though Dalek Sec and the Cult of Skaro escape via an "emergency temporal shift". Rose's lever slips. She pushes it back into position but loses her grip. Before she falls into the Void, Pete reappears, catches her and jumps back to his world. Moments later, the breach slams shut forever, leaving a devastated Rose trapped in the other world.
Some time later, Rose has a dream where she hears the Doctor's voice calling her. The Tyler family follow the voice to a remote bay in Norway called Bad Wolf Bay, where an image of the Doctor appears, which he is harnessing the power of a supernova to transmit through one of the final breaches. Because the breach is to close permanently in two minutes, the pair share one last conversation. Rose breaks down in tears and tells him that she loves him, but as the Doctor starts to reply, the breach closes. In the TARDIS, a tearful Doctor regains his composure and sets a new course. He looks up to see a woman in a wedding dress, who demands to know where she is.